Bar Anticipation’s Dress Code
- Hats are allowed.
- All hats must be worn with brims forward.
- No brimless headwear is allowed (bandanas, skullcaps, etc.).
- No sleeveless shirts after 8 pm (6 pm on Tuesdays) for individuals with visible armpit hair.
- No athletic jerseys (exception: football or other sporting themed events).
- No extra-long shirts (that hang below pant pockets).
- No shirts that the management considers vulgar, offensive, or otherwise likely to cause a disturbance.
- Short pants are permitted at all times.
- No extra-long shorts (that fall below mid-calf).
- No excessively low or baggy pants such that a person’s undergarments or buttocks are exposed.
- Footwear must be worn at all times.
- Sandals and flip flops are permitted during the day, but not recommended after 8 pm (6 pm on Tuesdays).
- No baseball, golf, or football cleats.
- No work boots after 8 pm (6 pm on Tuesdays).
- All footwear with laces must be tied.
Bags / Backpacks – (To ensure customer safety, Bar Anticipation adopted the following policy on bags following the attacks on 9 – 11).
- No large bags.
- No back packs.
- No suitcases.
- No gym bags.
- All bags that are allowed, but deemed questionable, (including large purses) are subject to search prior to entering the establishment. However, individuals are free to refuse the bag search and enter the establishment without the questionable bag.
- No gym attire.
- Clothing must not be excessively torn, dirty, tattered, or emit an unpleasant odor.
- No gang or motorcycle colors.
- No glow sticks.
- No laser pointers.
- No video cameras.
- No motorcycle helmets.
- No bicycle chains or locks.
- No outside food or beverages.
- No beach balls, horns, or other objects likely to cause a disturbance in the establishment.
- Management has the right to deny admission to anyone suspected to be intoxicated or deemed likely to cause a disturbance.’